It's quite simple. Apartments have an advertising budget set aside to pay Locators, such as Ohlig Group Realty. They pay us for sending them, new tenants. We, in turn, will rebate some of that back to you either in the form of Cash or a Free move.
Here Is What You Need to Do:
- Before you decide to look at apartments, contact us and we will send you a list of all apartments that are available, their current specials, resident reviews, etc. At that time, we also get you registered with the apartment communities.
- When you visit the communities, be sure to mention (and write down) to the Leasing Agent that Ohlig Group Realty is representing you as your Locating Company.
- Get a copy of the Guest Card from them showing that you filled the card with our name
- Email us a copy of that card
- Once we verify this information with the Apartment Community, we will have the moving company contact you to schedule your move (up to 3 hours – which is enough time needed to move a 1-2 bedroom place).
Then, you can thank us and tell all of your friends and family how easy it was!